
Reiki is a non-invasive method of hands-on energy work. I believe Reiki to be beneficial to Every Body and due to the gentle nature of the treatments it is appropriate for clients in all phases of life, experiencing any condition. Reiki calms the autonomic nervous system and allows the body to utilize its own resources more effectively, often resulting in increased rate of healing, improved sleep, decreased pain, improved breathing, lower blood pressure, and a greater sense of well-being. Reiki can be used to support other treatments or therapies a client may be utilizing, oftentimes resulting in more rapid progress.
$140 Initial Reiki Session 90min
$105 60min Reiki Session (distance or in-person)
$75 Children under 13 years old
Quantum Biofeedback
The Biofeedback system I use is: Insight Health Apps Quantum Wellness. This system uses a voice sample to run through a library of frequencies created by a team of specialists comprised of naturopaths, acupuncturists, scientists and more. This process gives us information about what is going on in the body on mental, emotional, physical levels thus creating opportunity for change. As a practitioner using this information, I create a biofeedback frequency for you to listen to through the app, custom tailored to support your health and wellness goals. This modality conveniently offers a new way to listen to your body from anywhere, so whether you are resting at home or on the go you can take the next steps in your health journey.
*the app has an additional one-time lifetime access cost of $65

Consulting Services
Being a life-long learner myself, I believe that even at the “Master” level, it means we have merely mastered the basics. We will forever continue to learn how to better hold space and treat clients.
To that effect, consulting services are offered to support practitioners who:
-> Are interested in learning new advanced reiki techniques
-> Are unsure of how to best support a specific client or demographic
-> Have questions about Reiki business structure, policies, logistics etc.
-> Want one-on-one guidance on how to use a specific Reiki technique
-> Are looking for feedback on small business structure, marketing and messaging outside of the field of Reiki